Thursday, March 29, 2007

I'm The Vampire, That's Why

I found this one during a routine survey of the library's romance novel collection, which I'm responsible for updating. I'm not a huge fan of romances, although I do like stories that have romance in them, so I wasn't sure about it at first, but I loved the title. Michele Bardsley's novel is about Jessica Matthews, a single mom who's recently turned undead, and how she copes with her newfound attraction to a sexy vampire. One could say that the main plotline is a romance, but there's also fantasy, horror, and mystery in the book, plus an intriguing, character-driven back story about Jessica's former husband, Rich, the father of her children. This one was a gem hidden in the rough. I'm looking forward to Bardsley's sequel, Don't Talk Back to Your Vampire, which is about an undead librarian! It comes out in July!


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