Monday, April 03, 2006


I listened to this one on CD(with a perfectly understated narration by Richard Morant).
This is Julian Fellowes' first novel. You may be familiar with him as a writer of the screenplay for the movie Gosford Park. If you liked that movie, you'll like this book. It's about uppercrust English society and how it reacts when a 'commoner' joins--or tries to join--its ranks. It's funny and clever. Think P.G. Wodehouse, E.M. Forester, Henry James, and even a bit of Fawlty Towers, in the 1990's. It's about snobs but makes you realize that everyone's a snob about something. Thus, you laugh at the characters as you also laugh at yourself. When Lady Uckfield shudders and says "I'm not a snob...," the writer tells us "she believed she was telling the truth." Don't we all want to believe that!


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